These days some landlords are
scared of giving out their house to tenants. Some who have had a terrible
experience with tenants are reluctant to accept just anyone. In this regard,
landlords conduct a thorough screening exercise. Some take a step beyond this.
This reminds me of a particular apartment at ugbighoko. The previous tenant
damaged a lot of the facilities: the tap knob was broken, shower no longer
working, the doors were in bad state, the
ward-drop doors were fallen.
To worsen the matter, the tenant
packed out secretly. This angered the landlord. To forestall this ugly
situation, the landlord decided to charge N20,000 caution fee for any incoming
tenant. This fee would be used to repair any damaged facility when the tenant
is moving out. But if no damage, it will be refunded.
Before ever you give out your
house to tenants you need to find out the following concerning them:
1. The
size of their family, who and who will squat with them later
2. Their
office, employer, etc.
3. Their
habit: is he a smoker or drinks alcohol a lot?
4. Their
5. Their
previous residence and find out why they were leaving
6. Is
he or she troublesome?
7. Does
he or she have a good maintenance culture?
Apart from the foregoing, you
need to dig deeper especially if the tenant is occupying the entire compound.
You have to be very careful in this regard. Some tenants who have the entire
compound to themselves sometimes get involved in questionable activities. Some
compounds become a safe haven for criminal activities. Monitoring tenant
activities in a situation like this is difficult.
1. Have
you had a bad experience with your tenant in the past?
2. How
did you manage a troublesome tenant?
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