Tough argument between landlords and tenants is a common
experience. More often than not, landlords are hardly aware of the damage done to
their property until the tenant packs
out. Some tenants when moving out leave a lot of debris behind for the landlord
to clear away. They wont even sweep the apartment. Is this right? Please put
yourself in the shoe of the landlord and you will realize is not a fine idea at
Indeed, you are supposed to clean up as you leave. But this
is not the case with most tenants. In fact, as landlord inspects property, he
sees walls battered with holes, door knob broken, toilet in bad state, the
floor of the bathroom covered with scum, the environment hardly ever swept.
Heck! The list is endless.
The landlord then spends his money to effect maintenance on
the property. In one case, the landlord had to clear the outstanding 6 months
light bill of a previous tenant.
IF you were a landlord, what would you do to
avoid tenants destroying your property?
How do you handle a rough and dirty tenant?
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